I dislike the fact that

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 23:34 (4204 days ago) @ Charles

I get questioned some 70 miles from the border, I am always cordial, and when asked citizenship I answer, anything more than that, I ask them if I'm free to go. At what point do we draw the line? DUI checkpoints, doctors asking my kids if I have guns at home, asking me to pop my trunk at the BP checkpoint? I am much more willing to live with the risks associated with being free, than I am with the ever increasing invasion of my privacy. I really don't understand why our checkpoint isn't manned by DEA, they haven't caught an illegal in years, it's all about drugs, money, and scaring the crap out of people who have had treatment involving radiation. Those are my views, and I respect others right to have theirs.

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