Just a different take on things.....

by Charles, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 17:57 (4204 days ago) @ Byron
edited by Charles, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 18:06

Yes...a different point of view based on different experience. I have seen stuff done by Federal, State and local police that would make the SS proud.

There are many fine folks in law enforcement including members of my family, but human nature being what it is, many of them will step over the line from time to time if they think they can get away with it. Most often they get away with it and nobody is wiser.

If there were not folks holding law enforcement accountable to the Constitution abuse would be rampant and not just common. I happen to be on of those folks who will hold their feet to the fire on the issue of the Constitution. Somebody has to do it or else we would have a police state. There are things far more important that being considered a "hale fellow well met" by the cops.

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