Just a different take on things.....

by Byron, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 17:39 (4204 days ago) @ Charles

Years ago you and I had a similar discussion about the law "stepping" on peoples toes and violating their rights...that discussion got nowhere so this one will probably be no different.

Still, my take on things is more about getting what I want instead of fighting city hall and as such I approach it differently.

Years ago I mentioned that every Christmas I gave all the deputies a bottle of Crown "as a token of my esteem"...your said that was wrong because it put them in a compromizing situation...for crying out loud...I want them to know me and owe me...

Regarding DUI checkpoints being a inconvienence....in most cities after 1800 half the drivers on the road are drunk and should be stopped....it is worth it to me to have to roll through a stop and have a cop shine a flashlight in my face in order to get some of these clowns off the road...I consider it the price of doing business...

The Border Patrol stop was the same...we all agree that the present state of border security is a matter of national security....as poorly as they do at stopping the flow of illegals and contaband into the country....this stop clearly would be a problem for someone with a trunk load of dope....

Again, a different take on things...if I had been through a checkpoint "100s" of times I would know the names of everyone there, all their children and all their birthdays....and they would all know mine....it was no skin off my nose for them to ask me where I was going...

To me they just seemed to be guys trying to do a job standing in the sun....not oppressive Federal Police to piss on (and piss off)...



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