RE: Asked twice for ID

by FOG, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 23:12 (4204 days ago) @ lee jurras

I think 'dumbing down' is part but not all of it. Another thing is make-work, which I also think is a natural by-product of our so-called 'service' economy.

In certain cases, the make-work has all but taken over the job. For example, at the hospital. I was there for a couple of outpatient days in January for an exam, and the staff was great, but they were utterly bogged down with all the make-work.

An almost unbelievable amount of make-work.

This leaves little if any time for the patient, of course, but The System couldn't care less: It just wants that make-work done, and I mean right now.

Increasingly, you see the same sort of thing at places like the local Stop-And-Rob: No time for the customer − no time for even thinking about what they're doing − just time aplenty for all the make-work.

Collectively, I think people have generally lost sight of who they really work for: Each other.

More and more, people work for The System, if only because there's hardly time for anything else.


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