
by JLF @, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 11:50 (4204 days ago) @ Byron

I have(had) brown hair and brown eyes. I have a healthy dose of exotics in my family tree that cause me to tan quick and dark. I spent one summer in my youth working outside and was well browned up, and fit as a fiddle. Myself and Powell walked across the bridge at Matomoros, and got hot, sweaty, and covered in a layer of fine dust while thorougly enjoying ourselves. Back across the bridge, cheesy grins from the Mexican side, and as we approached the US, the nice guard asked if we were US citizens. Feeling my oats and cracking wise, I said "yeah, I guess so". Wrong answer! I was whisked into a little room, joined by several more guards, and ask in no uncertain terms for every scrap of paper on my person that could prove I was a US citizen, instead of "guessing". I shelled out everything I had, including my Texas DL. Then they left to "run my numbers", and marinated me in that room for a good half hour. One guard came back with my License, told me to get out, and "no more guessing!" Powell thought it was all quite entertaining, and became fast friends, speaking spanish with the gang on the bus bench. He observed that I apparently had no idea how much I looked like a Mexican, and a rather seedy, suspicious one at that.


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