Profiled again.......

by Byron, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 08:12 (4204 days ago)

For spring break I took my family down to south Texas for a week and had a wonderful time. One thing about deep south TX is that they don't get in a hurry for much...

Went down to South Padre Island for a day at the beach...beautiful day, 80s and windy. The dunes had blown over the road so we could not go up very far but no problems.

On the way back to Kingsville we were stopped at the Border Patrol check point north of Harlengen. Three cars ahead of us. The same scene played out on all. Cars drove through a video survelence lane with more camaras than a Hollywood production. Stopped behind a barrier and approached by a officer. Dog walked slowing around the car. Doors and trunk were opened and dog siffed into the car while more officers walked around and looked though the car. A bit more conversation and then waved through for a repeat of the same.

We pulled up at the stop. Approached by an began walking around car. Officer asked "Are you a US citizen"..."you bet"...."where are you going" sisters in Kingsville"..."where do you come from...South Padre"..."do you have weapons in the car"..."I am licenced to carry and I am"...."Thank you, drive safely".....

I guess the blue eyed guy with the crewcut and sunburned red headed children put us on a different list...


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