rounding off the corners vs getting by with stuff.........

by Charles, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 14:52 (4204 days ago) @ Byron
edited by Charles, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 15:13

The difference here was you knew you were breaking the rules and decided to do it anyway and got caught. You made somebody uncomfortable and they called the police on you. If I did that I would be all sugar and nice also, hoping for some mercy and a break also. They had you dead cold to rights as a scofflaw. The park was within their legal rights to band weapons there.

When I drive down the highway, I am just doing what all Americans are entitled to do unhindered by Federal police. I don't need their good will and approval to go on down the highway. They are hindering me with questions that have no legal right to ask and I have no legal obligation to answer.

These are not comparable events.

I am respectful, polite and even warm as long as they stay within the law and their authority. When they stray over those limits I am still polite and respectful, but stand my grounds on my rights. I don't care how many guns and badges they have, I will not be intimidated.

There is no radio or magnet or old bad experience tapes running. I have never been detained or arrested in my life. I am the paradigm of a good citizen at age 70. But as a lawyer, I have seen police of all stripes run rough shod over the Constitution when they think they can get by with it. I have known them, on repeated occasions to abuse the Constitution and deny the rights it affords to people. If that is a radio, I have it turned to their station. I have been on both side of the criminal justice bar, both prosecution and defense and have seen way to much stuff up close and personnel. These folks are looking for the easy way to do their job and catch the bad guys. If they have to round off the corners of the Constitution to do that, most are OK with doing so. They are not entitled to do that just because they are "heavily armed men". I repeat..piss on them.

I dare say if you were not down here on a lark with the kids, but were subjected to a half century of such stuff, you would have a different point of view.

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