Profiled again.......

by Charles, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 09:33 (4204 days ago) @ Byron

I go through Border Patrol checkpoint weekly and have been through that checkpoint at Sarita hundreds of times. I have to go through such a checkpoint on my way back from the shooting range.

Those types of questions tend to irritate me. It is an immigration checkpoint and they can inquire about my citizenship. It is NYBD where I am going and where I have come from. It certainly isn't their business if there are weapons in the car.

I have only been asked about weapons once and I told them I had several. It is legal in Texas to have any number of weapons in the car and you don't need any kind of license or permit.

When the ask where I am going, I just point ahead and say North. When they ask where I have come front I point back and say South.

I really shouldn't say anything except affirm I am an US citizen. I mostly just respond to such questions with "I am a native born United States citizen and am in full compliance with all Federal and State laws.

I have been hassled only once, and then I told them, I am a lawyer and I want to his supervisor here forthwith as my rights were being violated. The "L" word was all it took and I was waved on through.

Too many good people have fought and died for the United State Constitutions to let these Migra pricks play fast and loose with it. I am always polite and respectful, but won't allow them to run loose with my rights.

All of us who live down here on the Border get very tired of heavy handed Federal police very quickly and come to resent them. Some of us, including me won't let them get away with rounding off the corners of the Constitution. Piss on em!!

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