I'm not saying we have to coddle the illegal immigrant

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 16:53 (3308 days ago) @ jgt

or give them anything extra.

Like I previously said. I see no problem with identifying them and giving them the due process of a school bus ride with an MRE and a couple of quarts of water a day until they're back across the border.

I have no problem with border control strong enough to make the prospect of successful entry so unlikely that most everybody just stops.

I have no problem with locking one up for a long time if they decide to do something stupid or even more 'definitive' if they do something a bit more spectacular.

I don't even like this 'anchor baby' deal.

And I never said that I liked illegals possessing arms.

If they are gun running (either direction), smuggling or commit a crime that would get anyone of us jacked up by the authorities? Prosecute them, just like any one of us would be.

But don't say somebody has 'no rights' and expect it to stand unopposed.

Last point.

Your reference from history is accurate, but there was a worse one that was overlooked by the world until it became impossible to overlook any more.

The example was what happened to the Jews, Gypsies, and others in Germany and it's occupied areas. That's how bad it can get, just from saying 'no rights'.

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