very well put - " ...all men are endowed... with

by jgt, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 16:18 (3309 days ago) @ cable
edited by jgt, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 16:46

I will just have to agree to disagree. I believe those things are for people here legally. To twist the use the BOR to claim they have rights just because they managed to physically show up on U.S. soil, no matter how that happened, is twisting the intent of the BOR. They can go have their inalienable rights in their own country if they are willing to earn them and most of us would die helping them. But they do not have any right to stay here just because they managed to sneak in here. Nor do I believe they have a right to hold a job here,To educate their kids here, to draw assistance here, or any of the things that make them such a drag on our existence. If we don't stop them we will not exist at some point in the future.

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