Aliens have always been able to do that

by jgt, Monday, August 31, 2015, 11:25 (3312 days ago) @ Miles

I totally disagree with this assumption. An illegal alien is a criminal, having broken the law upon entering our country through illegal portals. Criminals are forbidden to own guns in this country. A citizen convicted of a crime may petition the court to have their Second Amendment rights restored, but this case involved a non-citizen. This non-citizen has not been convicted until he has exhausted all his appeals. Since he never had the right he cannot ask to have the right restored. It is another example of commies appointed to the court by commies attempting to make law from the bench, rather than enforce law from the bench. This person can not buy a gun legally because he would have to lie on the form or would not pass the background check. Another law broken making another count against him and if he bought the gun from an individual it is still against the law because it is not legal to sell a gun to anyone who could not qualify to get one legally at a gun shop. I always refused sales to illegals at gun shows when I was doing those. Only once did I have one get mad over it and I told him all he had to do to prove me wrong was to produce a green card and I would sell the gun to him, but I was not going to sell him one otherwise. The thing is, of the illegals I use to have to deal with, few could even speak English, but all knew they could not legally buy guns. This judge wrote a decision based on personal opinion, not based on law.

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