
by jgt, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 12:38 (3309 days ago) @ brionic
edited by jgt, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 12:59

Miles, Thank you for discussing this with me, because you understand it is a discussion and not an argument. I feel the same way you do on many of the points you brought out especially the last one. This being the internet it is hard to have these discussion especially when one statement can be pulled out to try to make everything else look invalid. I do not agree that one statement makes everything else invalid, but many do think that way. When I originally posted on the subject I was disagreeing with the stance the judge took. Since my post followed yours, I believe you took it that I was disagreeing with what you wrote. That wasn't the case and I should have said so. I apologize for not doing that. I agree with you on the things that matter, on the rest I will have to agree to disagree. I am fiercely loyal to this country and way too close to the illegal alien problem to not see the damage it is doing.
As to the point of Illegal aliens having guns, there are two points I would like to make. One,I am not willing to break the law to sell them a gun. Two, By their own admission I know that a lot of the guns illegals buy at gun shows are not for individual ownership. They are taken back to the country of origin and sold for a big profit to people having the cash to afford them. These people that buy guns at gun shows a lot of times will come to a table in groups of up to seven people and pool their money to buy a gun then smuggle it out of the country. When these guns end up in illicit hands, mainly thugs and gang(cartel)member hands then we are blamed for the results. I am not so blind as to be a party to those dealings and will refuse to condone it just because the anti-gun people try to twist it around to use against us.
I believe there is a vast difference between a person who comes here illegally and one who is here legally. What happened to the Japanese was a horrendous violation of their rights as they were neither, they were American citizens. Also the illegal aliens in this country encompass Asians, Hispanic, Caucasians, Black, and other races of people. I believe none of those individuals have a right to be here until they come in through our very liberal legal portals. There are always exception to any rule and in this case I believe the exception deals with those foreign individuals the American government representatives have promised to protect or give citizenship because of their service to our country. Otherwise, I still believe if you do not have the right to be here, you can not hide behind our BOR to reap any benefits of being here. I think that is the main point we disagree on. Do I see the point you making? Yes! They are good points. I just do not believe they apply to this particular situation. I do not believe the founding fathers would have condoned the illegal immigration we are dealing with now if they were to come back today and see this situation. If I ever see evidence that tells me otherwise I am willing change my belief to be in alignment with that evidence.

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