very well put - " ...all men are endowed... with

by jgt, Wednesday, September 02, 2015, 19:42 (3309 days ago) @ jgt

While we are discussing RIGHTS, I would like to point out that rights are limited. I have a right to buy and own a gun, but if I try to buy one or own one illegally , I will be put into prison. I have the right to pursuit of happiness. If what makes me happy is to play music over an audio system that blasts it into my neighbors space and in doing so I step all over his right to peace, my right to blast that music ends. Our rights are limited to the point at which we step over a line that effects our fellow Americans. At that point we no longer have a right to exercise that right. Illegals do not pass go, they have no right to collet the $100 dollars, they go straight to jail. why? They stepped on my rights by threatening my national security by coming here illegally. They step on my rights by consuming goods and services meant to provided for elderly and infirmed citizens. They step on my rights by using the education system I pay high taxes to maintain. So, It may not be "Politically Correct" to speak up about such things, but it is time to say something about this lunacy. Illegals rights? Balderdash!!!

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