Illegal aliens have - no - rights?

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 15:18 (3311 days ago) @ jgt

This is where we'll have to part company. Everyone can have their own opinion, but not their own facts.

The courts started deciding long ago that the rights secured within the BOR extend to anyone within U.S. territory. This includes the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. Like I said, it was easy for anyone to see that the 2nd was merely waiting in the wings.

They have the same right as anyone else to due process. That process may be nothing more than a bus ride back to the border after they're caught, but.

And some states; Texas and California, maybe some others, issue drivers licenses and I've yet to hear of a public school that doesn't accept them either.

They also have the right to self defense, which some other people even say they don't have.

If, "the right of the people" means anything, it means everyone, not whatever group someone wants to narrowly define.

You see, that's the same argument the anti-gunners use. They want rights to be a smorgasbord that they can pick the ones they like and disregard any they don't like.
The definition of 'the people' changes from one amendment to another to suit their viewpoint and for years we've been saying: No, 'the people' means the same thing in every amendment.

Are we going to do the same?

As bad as it may seem, I say if it's sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the gander.

If you're not going to accept that everyone within the U.S has the same protections the BOR provides, we have a difference that has only one resolution.

I didn't say I particularly liked it. I'm not saying that we can't identify them, round them up and send them back from wherever they came from. Nor am I saying that we can't do whatever is necessary to secure our borders.

What I am saying is that having the viewpoint that a group of people have no rights simply because of their general status has a history behind it. Everyone needs to review that history and the lessons learned.

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