I remember the cowgirl; I think she used a couple of handles

by lee jurras, Hagerman.NM, Monday, April 15, 2013, 08:42 (4185 days ago) @ John K.

Boy your memory is better than mine by a longshot (handgun) but the names you mention sure bring back a lot of memories. Yep, Jim Taylor was instrumental in setting up a lot of stuff. Set up my first website, L.E. Jurras& Assoc several years back. Was fun for awhile, then I found it took all my time, not allowing any for work. After a couple years of e-mailing and conversing with Buck Elliot finally met him in Cody, WY at a Linebaugh seminar. Buck was the Gentleman I had come to believe he was from the internet. Met up at the Irma Hotel in Cody. A true Gentleman
Who was the Cowgirl mentioned above, read her posts but never conversed. :-P

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