Don't know about timeline, but the various iterations...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, April 15, 2013, 08:16 (4185 days ago) @ Otony

are roughly:
"New and Improved"
Gordboard forum/

If I were more ambitious I could take a look at the date of registration of and to put tentative dates for the beginning of those. Plus, I'm probably missing quite a bit. For example, the Savage 24 forum, rugerowners, singleactions and ???

A bit of clarification on the "Gord Board" and "sixshootercommunity". Gordon in NM set up the "punkin board" when it seemed like the new owner of was going to make what were considered "drastic changes" and invited a few of us to congregate there. When the original sixgunner forum was changed to black on black to force folks to the new forum Gord threw the doors open and the rest is history. I set up (although at first I registered sixgunnercommunity, but to avoid conflict changed to the current one)as a "doorway" to the forum, something easier to remember than "" or whatever the string looked like. When the leverguns forum bit a virus or whatever happened then it was easy to setup the levergunscommunity and dedicate it to being a forum loosely linked to We also have which was set up by Bruce Hamlin a couple years back.

And over the years folks have come and gone and some have gone and drifted back and others have faded into history. But there's still a few of us "good ol' boys" who have been hangin' together for almost a decade and a half in the virtual world.

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