Anyone remember ALF, Tinker and Doc from the old days?

by John K., Monday, April 15, 2013, 07:03 (4185 days ago) @ Otony

Yeah, Tinker's last association with this series of boards was the day before Bush was elected the first time. Remember it well. Still have a couple of the Sixgunner shirts from the group buy he managed. Moved to the Savage board and vanished.

Alf, in all his iterations, eventually moved to the Savage board and vanished.

Doc Hudson was slowly fading to the Savage and Leverguns board and then vanished from here. Last I heard, he and Marcie had divorced and he moved back to Brantley, AL to be near his mother - his dad died around 10yrs ago and she was alone. Haven't heard from him in years.

Speaking of missing persons, what about Dan Staley? Posted as OleDan. Seemed to focus on 1911s and moved to that board, I think.

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