"Last I heard Tinker and ALF were hanging out at the Savage

by cas, Monday, April 15, 2013, 00:40 (4186 days ago) @ Otony

That was 2007ish. Haven't heard from them since.

The forum had taken an "off topic" turn where 98% of what was discussed was anything but Savage model 24's. It had driven off most/all the people who were there for the original purpose of the forum, including causing Messieurs Church and Dunn, to lose interest in their own forum.

They gave it to me, and in order to save the forum I decided to be the bad guy and re-steer the forum back on topic. No more off topic stuff. That didn't go over well with Doc H. , nor Lance I don't believe and they faded away. (well Lance faded, Doc made a declaration of exit and did so). ;-)

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