Did not know that......

by Otony, Monday, April 15, 2013, 08:03 (4185 days ago) @ JLF

.......Lewis "Kid Cossack" Ballard had moved to Amarillo. We had a spectacular falling out a few years back, unfortunately. Haven't spoken since. Good luck to him, he seemed mired in a swamp of indecision for many years. I wish him the best, whatever he is doing.

You all might recall when he and I were closer that I was using the handle "Kid Cassock". We had a few things in common, not the least of which both our wives are Russian, his from Kazakhstan, mine from Saint Petersburg. I am also godfather to his two oldest girls, and Lewis himself, but church didn't seem to enter into his sphere much in the long run.

I dimly recall a gal from the early days, a cowgirl from the Dakotas? She was pretty active, early on. And of course our friend from Buffalo Bore, and John Taffin and Jim Taylor. AK Church and I still emule upon occasion. So many others, I truly enjoyed those times!

What was the timeline of forums we were all involved with? Just before Sixgunner, John had one that sort of morphed from some earlier version. Then Sixgunner died, to be replaced by Joel's version? I am sure I have the timeline and names wrong......


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