Anyone remember ALF, Tinker and Doc from the old days?

by Otony, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 21:55 (4186 days ago)

The three of them just crossed my mind, what ever became of those fellows?

Last I heard Tinker and ALF were hanging out at the Savage 24 forum, but that was many moons ago.

I heard that Doc broke up with his wife and moved to another state. Used to get the occasional email from him, but that dried up.

Boy, I think back to those days fondly at times. Remember when I was trying to find some of us badges engraved Pistol Packing Preachers. Ended up being a little too spendy for some (me included) so that project sort of dried up on the vine, as it were.

Then there was the limited run of Rugers made up for the group by Reeder, followed by the consolation Rugers by Clements. I foolishly sold mine a few years back to another forum member. I can sure be dumb at times.....


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