I remember the cowgirl; I think she used a couple of handles

by John K., Monday, April 15, 2013, 08:28 (4185 days ago) @ Otony

There was another that was around a short while and seemed local (or friends with) Buck Elliot. Can't remember her name or handle.

Then Mellie, Church's girl.

Remember Richard Easley and his terrible jokes? Died unexpectedly on the operating table during a heart cath in '03.

Board iterations - lessee, this one, preceded by Gordon's disc.server board, preceeded by Joel's (paralleled by Jim's old board for a while), preceeded by Jim Taylor disc.server boards, preceeded by the Wyatt Earp board. JT's disc.server board paralleled Jim's early board. Sure has changed over time. Doc Hudson had a website in the early days - it was one long page of Q&A. My earliest memories of the sequence date to somewhere around '97, but I may be off a year either way. Paco & Jim started Leverguns in parallel some years back.

We had a discussion once about the old days, and IIRC rob said he remembered posting the first post on Wyatt's board.

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