And, a word about edging/sharpening....

by former hater of plastic, Monday, June 25, 2018, 17:16 (2280 days ago) @ bj

Another subject of often mindless argument in proclaiming superiority. Totally dependent upon use, the edge able to power through knots in wood while stripping limbs or cutting thick dirty rope, generally not the edge you want for effortless paper slicing, and visa versa, although I own some fine knives which can do both, for a mighty ling time.

The Hinderer edging is relatively obtuse for holding up to hard use, and also left a relatively rough finish. Rick explained why in an anecdote from years back, making knives in a chicken coop. He wanted to do an ultimate sharp edge, able to literally split a human hair, and he succeeded, using a microscope...and that fine polished thin edge would cut nothing else. So, he leaves the production knives edges toothy, for best general purpose hard use cutting.

While again discussing design, the mindset behind his knives arises from an anecdote of trying to free a trapped woman in an auto accident, cutting free chunks of seat for clearance for one reason or the other, and the rescue knife lock failed, and the genesis of his stabilizer idea, and his knife builds, in general. His motto is dependable knives....not best, not ultimate weapon carried by ultimate warriors, no blasting of names of who uses them and where (and quite a list that would be)....simply, dependable.

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