This particular blade style is the least cuttin'est..

by former hater of plastic, Sunday, June 24, 2018, 00:31 (2282 days ago) @ former hater of plastic

The same knife in his spearpoint a notably better cutter/carver, but still no box knife or whittler. This "spanto" blade about his strongest, with thickest edge and tip, and what I wanted, as other smaller sharp knives I have, and carry also.

They make runs of all manner of blade styles, some quite fanciful, not my cuppa joe or tea. They also have done thinner blade runs and in the 3.5" knives, thicker blade runs as thick as the 4", based often on numerous requests from 1st responders and military types. Plus, they make a small herd of less massive knives in runs, of different models, and markedly different styling.

I simply wanted the strongest of the lot, as normal knives, I got.

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