Rick's target market has always been military,

by former hater of plastic, Sunday, June 24, 2018, 13:49 (2281 days ago) @ former hater of plastic

and 1st responder, with discounts for them. The centering of blade, the action of knife, are all user adjustable, if the safe lock engagement setting as it leaves shop is not to a buyer liking. Virtually every complaint made as to Rick and his working tools are by vollectors, and fastest-flicker addict crowd, trashing a product because not set to their own personal likes, and mad when shop will not, or cannot, do it.

Any adjustment of a frame lock will adjust pivot tension, and also adjust lockbar pressure against side of blade for detent effort and drag. This latter also will mess with pressure of lock engagement, and such adjustments will likely change blade centering, which also then will need adjusting.

It is impossible to please them all. Too many variables. So, knives go out the door set in a safe mode, and any buyer should know that, as discussed everywhere and also mentioned on his own site. You buy one, have good tools (spelled WIHA) and Rick's cool field tool for messing with it.

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