BJ, you have a wonderful technical vocabulary

by former hater of plastic, Monday, June 25, 2018, 00:29 (2281 days ago) @ bj

and thank you so much for the corrections of powder vs particle phrasing. And also for semantics lessons on break and chip resistant.

However, the new wondersteels still are far less giving and far more breaking when stressed, whether at edge or entire blade, than tradition steel, in whatever wording you care to use. Folk trying to make swords of the stuff know its limits, nobody uses it for lawn mower blades, or trustworthy machetes, and if you want a hard use knife of the stuff, it has better be beefy in every dimension, including edge and tip, especialy when it impacts that unexpected staple, black hard wood knot, misses a hit and strikes a rock or twisted to break something.

I am trying to explain the knife and the why of the design in layman's terms, and honestly really and truly not wanting a nitnoid debate over terminology. If you want to believe a large hard use PM blade is equal or superior in anything but edge holding over more standard steels given just as sophisticated a heat treat, please go right ahead, and can even go after all the top drawer smiths and explain to them they have it all wrong.

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