She is good with it. We plan on ging her her fist pistol as

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, November 28, 2014, 10:36 (3589 days ago) @ Paul

a wedding gift. SR22. Her folks are good with it, her dad i9sn a hunter. To them carrying is a sort of novelty. Unfortunately they blabbed about his ccw. This friend of mine is very conscientious, and does not wish to create any waves for his future family. Jan & I consider him to be like a son. He is a vet of Afghanistan and Irag and an outstanding young man. Capt Cassil has met him, though I won' mention any names. He will fit in great here. When he came into a little inheritance, he settled all his debts and found a 3/34" M27 with Roper's for his carry gun...Pretty cool for a 20 something young man. He actually proposed to his fiance with his & her folks here at our home. He really appreciates your thought, I have relayed them to him. Thank you all.
He has this figured out, I think more than anything he wants to be polite but firm in his beliefs. Thank you all,

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