Christian conservative non gun people...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 14:46 (3591 days ago)

Unfortunately, my friend was introduced by his in laws as "a gun guy." He is in a quandary and asked for my help. He doesn't want to offend , doesn't even want to discuss self defense with these guys, at the same time, he doesn't want to offend. Any help will be considered...
"As you know, I'm fairly new in the Christian community with becoming a part of (name redacted) family. It's great and I love it and the people. I've received the reputation of (name redacted) fiancé, the "gun guy." Everyone is of course, Republican. But on several occasions I get approached, by men, because I carry a sidearm (concealed, very discreet not flashy at all). They approach me not because they see me with my sidearm, but just because they know I carry. The conversation always goes in the direction with this philosophy of "accepting Jesus into my life, and maybe some day, I won't feel the need to carry at all... per-destination views, etc." I can't help but take extreme offense this, but I can't necessarily speak my mind due to the fact that these are high men on the church Totem Pole. I of course, believe God controls all things and I've long ago (in Afghanistan/Iraq) made peace with the fact that I don't have complete control as to when I leave this world. I just assure them that no one wishes for peace more than the soldier and I give them the ol' parachute metaphor.
What else can I say though ? Without being too harsh or offensive? I want to say, "you still buckle in your grandchildren when you set out on a vehicle trip, right?" But I think that would be even too rough to this community."

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