Christian conservative non gun people...

by Mrs.Sarge @, Thursday, November 27, 2014, 09:45 (3590 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Sarge alerted me to this string and after reading through the posts I wanted to throw in my 2 cents worth.
WTH? Perhaps that response is not PC or an acceptable Christian response. Really, he needs to evaluate by becoming a part of this "family," is he going to compromise his core beliefs & convictions? Being introduced as a "gun guy" is an immediate flag to all the other church members that who he is has to be changed, essentially throwing him to the "wolves" of the congregation to conform to their ideas & protocol.
Sometimes, you step on peoples toes because their toes are where they don't belong in the first place. No apologies.

If you have to compromise part of your belief system to appease your fiance's family and "extended family," the entire relationship is doomed from the start.

Bottom line....find a new girl.

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