I've been cogitating on this all day, but...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, November 27, 2014, 20:27 (3589 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

haven't had time to sit down and put fingers to keys to type up anything 'til this evening. Here's a few thoughts for your friend.

First - what is his fiancee's take on the issue? That is the one that he needs to address first. If she believes he is wrong for providing protection for himself and others - he would be foolish to continue with the relationship. They would be unequally yoked and now's the time to break it off, not after they've gotten married, had kids, etc.

Next - he's got to ask himself why he's afraid to address the issue with folks. THEY brought (bring) it up, not him. So the ball's in his court. It behooves him to address the issue in a straightforward manner.

So, "trust Jesus" is their "strategy". Simple questions should make them think and get his point across.

"Do you carry insurance above and beyond the minimum required by law?" As far as that goes, give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. Why carry insurance at all? Trust that you will never be in an accident or stopped by the police and asked for proof of insurance. If you are not willing to do so, if you insist on carrying insurance, why don't you simply "Learn to trust Jesus."?

"Do you have a spare tire?" Why? Why not "Trust Jesus" and believe that you'll never have a flat tire?

"Do you lock your doors?" Why? Why not "Trust Jesus." and learn to rely on Him for protecting your property?

"Do you have a retirement plan other than that mandated by the US Government?" Why don't you "Trust Jesus" and quit laying up treasure on earth instead of in heaven?

The list can go on and on. Those who claim "Just trust Jesus" rarely follow their own advice in other spheres of life.

But it really comes down to - what does his lady have to say on the subject? If she's in that court then he's better off simply walking away and finding a better fit as a life's companion. If she believes as he does then they really need to consider the Bible's injunction to "leave father and mother" and establish themselves in a faith community where they are allowed and encouraged to grow together and follow their Lord and Savior according to their understanding of His Word.

And, as an after thought, he ought to get a copy of Charl van Wyck's book "Shooting Back". They are cheap and are a great defense of the right and duty of the Christian to self defense.

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