Bible in hand, gun in pocket.

by Murphy @, Thursday, November 27, 2014, 20:45 (3589 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Bible in hand, Gun in pocket is the title of a book written about religion on the fronter in the 1800's. One of the many stories in that book has stayed with me for many years now.

A circuit riding minister was confronted by several members of the church he had ridden to that day to minister. He was asked if he truly believed in the Lord, then why did he feel the need to go armed?

His reply was that he had ridden many miles over the plains that day to get to their church. And, that there were hostile Indians in the area and he could at anytime be attacked. While he fully believed all men have an appointed time to depart this earth to their heavenly reward, it may not be his day...but the day for his attackers to go to theirs.

Works for me.


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