I'd find a new "community".

by rob @, Thursday, November 27, 2014, 22:33 (3589 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I'm a Christian and a gun guy and I agree with this man's position but he's trying too hard not to offend a bunch of self righteous morons who obviously haven't spent enough time in their Bible to discover God not only recognizes the right to self defense, but more importantly the duty. Godly men and women have been brutalized throughout history so just saying trust God is pathetically ignorant and dare I say pompass. Obviously some people are called to give their life for Christ and if that day comes there will be nothing you can do to stop it, but when you have that option and someone with a gun decides he's gonna brutalize your wife and you COULD HAVE done something to stop it but don't...I just can't express my disdain for such people strongly enough. I organized a concealed handgun class for our church at the beginning of this month, our pastor and his wife took the class and it was taught by a local police chief who is a devout Christian...and yes, we pack in church. Maybe they need to read Revelation 21:8 and see who Jesus himself lumps cowards in with. Like I said, I'd find a Godly community of genuine believers.

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