I have learned my lesson about a cartridge...

by Harry O-1, Thursday, November 21, 2013, 17:55 (3963 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

in the chamber.

I have a Don Hume leather pocket-holster for the Kel-Tec P-32. It covers the outline of a gun very well. And it holds the gun securely. I have never had it drop out of my pocket. Near as I can describe it, it has a leather "hook" built into the bottom-rear-side of the holster. When I grab the gun, both the gun and the holster start coming out of the pocket. The hook catches on the corner of the pocket as it comes out and it falls away from the gun. I have practiced drawing it that way many times and it is second nature now. At least it is when there isn't a gun pointed at my stomach.

That is what I think it is supposed to do. If not, let me know and I will take you up on the generous offer of a proper holster.

My e-mail is harryo (at) tconl.com

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