Knockout game..........

by Byron, Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 11:41 (3964 days ago) @ Alfred John

There is no defense against this type of attack other than not being around when it happens....and this means staying away from areas where there are groups of young black men....not PC but the truth.

First rule in personal safety is don't be in a dumb place whether that be living below sea level waiting for another Katrina or in a city with bands of feral young thugs running around....but I guess some people like living in New Orleans and big cities.....this would not happen in Leavenworth KS...but this is a pretty redneck place...

Of course situational awareness is important and one must be looking around when out and about....sitting with your back to a strong wall and watching the door...etc...

My question was, who has taken formalized training whether a high performance driving school or a force on force gun slinger school to really see what works and what doesn't and in doing so reduces risk all around. My point being the response to a armed attack being to blade your body, a modern technique draw, two hand grip, flash sight picture, fire a controlled pair and access the target instead of jumping hard to the side, jerk the gun and fire a burst into the threat as fast as you can and shoot them to the ground. To stand and deliver will get you shot almost everytime.


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