Fighter pilots have a term...

by Catoosa, Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 23:36 (3965 days ago) @ Byron

Situational Awareness. Meaning being aware of what is going on around you. It can be as simple as keeping your head on a swivel WHENEVER you are out in public. NEVER look in the same direction for more than four seconds at a time. Look at people around you and notice if they are looking at you. I don't know when or why I first learned to do that, it just seems natural after so many years of doing it.

You will never be able to react fast enough to deflect or defeat a threat if you don't see it coming until it is right in your face. OTOH, predators seem to be acutely aware if YOU are aware of your surroundings and have noticed them. They will usually just pass on by if they have lost the element of surprise.

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