Training for real world risk...

by Alfred John, Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 11:29 (3964 days ago) @ Byron

Thanks for posting this one Byron. I try to be aware and so and has been mentioned even when trying to be aware things do distract a person. I always like the comment that Bill Jordan made in his book "No Second Place Winners" regarding responding to a gun fight. He was able to draw and fire before the person who was holding a gun at him, before that person could shoot him. He believed if you want to be a real gunny this is what you have to be able to do. I know I sure can not but I saw him do it time after time, he even told the person holding the gun him that he would draw and shoot him before he could get a shot off.
Some good comments out on this one I think. Thanks again, I am rambling too much have a good day.

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