How does one respond to anybody coming up from

by Alfred John, Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 11:21 (3964 days ago) @ Hobie

Right about the "Knockout Game" I see there is a good item today on the Keep and Bear Arms site. They also mention a book- "White Girl Bleeds A Lot". sounds interesting at least. I just ordered my copy of this book from Amazon. It seems the main stream media and other govt. agencies try to keep these "Knock Out Games" from being published or reported on in an effort to prevent racial "Unrest" between whites and minorities. I also noted some responses about the need for hi capacity magazines as some groups do this as a group and video footage is shot for their bragging rights. Just thought I would mention it. I do like my Hi-Power and Glocks for walking about comfort. Like has been said be aware of your surroundings as much as possible.

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