Training for real world risk...

by uncowboy, Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 16:26 (3965 days ago) @ Byron

You are right Not much to add. When Mr .Quinn was assaulted at the ATM. Going for a gun was the last thing needed. Left hand on his(bad guys) gun while right hand on your gun would have ended the confrontation. At one of the Noreasters years ago , A member showed a mouse gun he carried. I told him it was the best example of what not to carry. A gun should get you out of trouble not get you in deeper. I told him ME WITH MY POCKET KNIFE would beat him with his gun in a fight. This was a campfire conversation where all were heard from and feelings were hurt. I stated that the days of a single bad guy with a knife are over. Confrontations will most likely be with multiple bad guys heavily armed. You need something that has the potential to stop someone with one shot, Where I live I don't carry a J frame anymore because it doesn't have enough bangs in it. I shoot a J frame better than most guns made and if confronting 3 people you are lacking.
Later after everyone had time to cool off from the campfire conversation I had two of the people tell me they changed there way of thinking and also changed there carry. One of the things that came up was that I am not superman and if I had a gun on me how was I going to draw and perform ? My answer was to GRAB THE BAD GUY AND START BREAKING PARTS OFF, make the gap you need to draw and perform.
Mind set is the ultimate weapon, All else is supplemented.

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