A favorite line from someone on another forum was..

by cas, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 12:22 (4066 days ago) @ FOG

…"some people like to shoot, and some people like to sit at home and think they can shoot." (aimed at a couple local keyboard commandos)

When I worked as a range officer I saw LOTS of bad shooting, that's for sure. Sadly many of the LEO's were the worst of it. Some I swear if they were shooting at you, the best defense would be to turn sideways and stand as still as possible. :-(

There was one alarming safety violation I saw over and over again from young NYPD officers (so many times that I started to ask around if it was something they were actually teaching them in the academy). Not sure how to describe is… racking the slide on your pistol, you take an overhand grasp of the whole slide, then pull the slide back as you push the gun forward. Which is fine, but they'd do it across their chest, perpendicular to their body. Basically pointing it at 90º, chambering a round pointing at the guy next to them (or 60 guys down the line from them). :eyepopping: I couldn't count how many times I saw that. I'd always have to go correct them, which none of these young full of beans officers wanted to hear.

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