Nebraska is about the same

by anachronism, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 08:14 (4066 days ago) @ Charles

I took my CCW class a few years ago and struggled to stay focused throughout much of it because I passed that particular stage of ability and awareness eons ago. When it came time to do the shooting portion of the class, I aced it (of course), but was sddened when it was over by the realization that I could have shot the qualification with a smiley face pattern and still received the same passing score. Instead I played a round of "chase the bullet hole", where I tried to make all my shots go through the same hole in the center of the target. I ended up with an approximate 1 inch group, and knew I was capable of better. I tried to convince my son to shoot a smiley face when he took his class, but he played it straight too. Honestly, some of the people in his class should not be allowed to own guns, at least until they can handle them safely. I watched the life fire portion, and damn near tackled a guy who repeatedly swept everybody with his muzzle.

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