Texas State Troopers and Marksmanship

by Charles, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 15:14 (4067 days ago)

I got to the range a little late this morning and there were already two cars there marked "State Trooper". They were driven by a couple of Texas Department of Public Safety trooper that wanted to try out our range.

They wanted to shoot some bowling pins, so I took them to that range. I set up some pins on the steel table, 50' from the firing point. They pulled out their Sig P226s in 357 Sig and proceeded to make war on the bowling pins. Each fired two magazines, taking their time to take careful aim. When it was over, not a pin had been scratched.

The experience really gave me confidence in how our State Troopers are trained. They were using ammo paid for with my tax dollars. I think they train them to hit center of mass on a man sized target at a few yards, but a bowling pin at 50' feet isn't that hard to hit. We old fuds do it on a regular basis with 45s and can clean the table of 5 pins in 5 to 7 shots at about a second per shot.

Now I see why they call in the SWAT ninjas when they have a problem. These guys should be issued rubber guns.

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