Back in 9th grade...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 08:36 (4066 days ago) @ Everett Walker.

We took a field trip to the Indiana police academy the next tow over. The only part I really remember is the shooting range. They had 2x4' accoustical ceiling tikes set at an angle for noise baffles. I noticed that there were several tiles less tha three feet from the firing line with holes in them! I asked the tour guide about them and he confirmed they were bullet holes. He said that less than half of cadets had ever touched a gun, and less than 10% were what they considered 'adequate' shots before training. I know most cops go through their entire career without ever having to use their handguns, but I can't imagine getting into that career path having no familiarity with guns at all!

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