Po-leese Marksmanship

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, August 10, 2013, 22:19 (4067 days ago) @ Charles

Over the roared objections of dinosaurs like me, LE firearms training has been dumbed-down for 30 years. At my first real academy (KCPD) we were expected (and required) to make consistent hits on the 8 ring of a B27 from 50 yards, using DA .38 revolvers. Today I can show you departments where they never shoot past 50 feet and rarely that. Most of your shots, landing somewhere on the silhouette, gets you qualified.

The original intent was to get away from bulls-eye shooting and concentrate on the quick & dirty. I get that... but you have to have some accuracy standards or your troops simply shoot to the lowest common denominator.

The best shooters in LE are exactly like the best shooters in any other discipline. They are the people willing to invest time and money in proficiency, they possess the drive to excel and they shoot under adverse conditions, when they feel like crap, etc. You have to be willing to push yourself to failure, to find your weak points. Some guys just don't care.

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