Working in a pawn/gun shop is a daily......

by Otony, Sunday, August 11, 2013, 09:52 (4066 days ago) @ anachronism

.......adventure with guys like that. I'm sorry to report that the majority (as in better than 75%) are totally unable to control the muzzle of any firearm. Very disconcerting for other customers who are browsing jewelry or tools to glance up at a shotgun being pointed at them!

The other day I purposely made overly exaggerated, wild movements to signal the shopper that he was sweeping me with a pistol. No matter, he simply redoubled his efforts to keep the muzzle on me! I know it wasn't intentional, just stupidity, but he couldn't have been more determined even if he knew what he was doing.

Occasionally we get someone in who announces that they are carrying and want to show us their pistola. A loud, simultaneous "NO" from the boss and I, followed by stern instructions to go outside and unload first is usually met with a stupefied stare. We also get the occasional hero who walks in empty-handed to ask if he should unload his gun before bringing it in to pawn. Well, duh, ya think that might be a good idea?

On that note, at least once a month or so, some Darwin candidate manages to avoid all that fuss and bother, and simply hands us a loaded gun. Rocket surgeons, the lot of 'em, and it makes me sad that it is the overwhelming majority. They handle a firearm as though it was as safe as a shovel......and I've seen the results of shovel accidents too, sigh.


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