
by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 12:23 (4091 days ago) @ Charles

Worth repeating: "I live in the land of the Mexican Drug Thugs (Cartels) and I want a real gun on my side. If something happens, it will be because I am in the wrong place at the wrong time and it will be very nasty...very nasty. They are not that smart, all drugged up and don't care about collateral damage. They will most often kill everybody in sight to be certain they get who they want and leave no witnesses. They may get this old gringo, but that will be after a hell of a gun fight, with lots of their blood in the ground.

I also keep a Ruger Elsie Pea in my weak side front pocket, in case somebody grabs my strong hand. I can shoot them loose, or try to at least. Quite often I have a good stout Irish Blackthorn cane with me to boot. Getting hit upside the head with that is like getting hit with a length of re-bar. Several time with nuisance people (panhandlers) I have brought it up to "port arms" and given them a hard look right in the eyes. There is no need to say anything and they will decide to go elsewhere."

Of the Troops & For the Troops

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