It's more of a mindset than anything else. One has to really

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 15:22 (4092 days ago) @ FOG

WANT to carry. For instance: Louis Awerbuck is slight of statue and manages a 1911 and a G19 at the same time, right and left 4 O'Clock carry. Sep 95 Mas Ayoob all 5'8" carried a 6" 829 under an untucked polo shirt. When I was a sales dog, and later a banker in Phoenix, AZ, the job dictated a white shirt tie and slacks for summer wear. I resorted to a J in the ankle, & pocket and 1911 in the brief case carry during the hottest months. As soon as it cooled enough to allow a jacket or vest I went back to my IWB 1911 carry. Thousands of my customers carry N frames and redhawks, 1911 and various plastic service sized plastic autos everyday all day all year...Because they WANT or NEED to.

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