Bill, I've been EXTREMELY happy with my Simply Rugged

by brionic @, Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 18:05 (4092 days ago) @ Fowler

"Cumberland" IWB. I carry a full sized 1911, with an appropriate belt, and it's the best system I've found, for me. I wasn't sold on the clips until I tried them... they work with Rob's design, period. AND they allow me to fine tune the positioning a lot easier than my various Sparks/Alessi/ etc etc holsters do, even the snap-around versions. The width of the holster and distance between clips make for comfortable, secure, and discreet carry.

What won't work with this system is thin/high rise/ translucent shirts, or certain patterns that accentuate the heel of the MSH. Your uncle's bobtail might not present that problem.

I am not saying that rig/weapon are ideal for me, all the time. But for how I dress and the situations into which I put myself, it works very well, most of the time.

When belt carry isn't appropriate, I make damn sure to have a bag or innocuous zipped case with me.

Ol' Rob knows his way around the block, for sure.

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