While my bod was up to berserker workouts,

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 09:07 (4161 days ago) @ rob

the testy was evident, and 'addictive' - until the hip/glut crash. I liked working 'to the edge' and then, a bit beyond. During the three month layoff, was when I noticed the decline into advancing feeble-ness.

Good advice on the testy jumpstart, now that I can pick up workouts again. Most certainly a consult with the Doc,before anything else. Since the recent heart-attack/stent, there's a whole handful of scripts laden with dire warnings. Such paper piffle never mattered before, I must say. Since my life sorta hangs on the proper use of pharms for a while, some caution 'is advised'.

Thanks for that. Will be mos' happy when I can go beat up the gym and feel 100% life, from toes to brain, again.

PS -- that new breed of NCO gym rats is impressive. Leadership that can carry 'the load'. Proud to read that.

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