......said an older guy at the gym.---..

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 09:54 (4162 days ago) @ Byron

"We have remember that our twenty-five year old minds, expect too much of our 65yr old bodies".

The three month-long "over-use to the point of damage" layoff I had, allowed about every muscle group to lose it's tone, and muscle weight was replaced by fat weight -- ie: skinny-armed, pot-bellied geezer who can't work hard and breathes with a slight wheeze.

Just had a very mild heart attack, that was caught in it's first stages. Stent now, and laundry list of meds 'forever'. The doc told me that my pipe-clogging cholesterol condition was "hereditary", and that no amount of exercise and conditioning will correct it, on it's own. Hence the full shelf of pills.Also, I'm not sure of the effect extra "T" would have on behavior? I'll have check with the Doc on that.

Congrats on returning to work-outs. Oddly enough, one the fittest guys I know for his age, sits on bicycle machine at the gym and reads the Wall Street Journal cover to cover while he pedals, hardly breaking sweat.

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