How to lose weight> move more eat less. Best excercise>push

by erssk, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 15:38 (4162 days ago) @ cubrock

away from the table.
I'm not trying to be facetious. I have delt with weight issues for fifty years. At one time I could deadlift 3 times my body weght, swim four miles in an hour*, swim two lengths plus underwater in an olympic pool, a twenty mile hike in full gear at Fort Lost In The Woods was a breeze, the one mile run was a six minute stroll. That said between the ages of 16 and 62 I have gone from 245 to 180 to 250 to 186 to 255 to 190 to 265 to 203 and at 62 am on a down cycle again, right now at 242 from 270 working towards 210. In 2003 I had a heart attack doc put in a stent and a pacemaker/defibrolator and I have been good to go since. Doc said to avoid processed suger & starch like the plague. Eat, fruit, nuts, vegetables, meat. Eggs and brown rice on occasion. For dairy, yogurt no cheese.
I find at my age I have to 'train' not 'strain'. I use a 110 lb barbell and a pair of 50lb dumbells 3-4 days a week for muscle tone and a stairmaster for aerobics on off days.
* Did this for a $100 bar bet when I was 22 186lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal but I cheated, It was in an olympic size pool 25m X 50m but I swam crossways doing 25m laps, by pushing off I glided/rested almost half way.

Good luck on whatever program you choose, it is a struggle, just stick with it and remember "moderation in all things'.

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