I am not the man I used to be.....

by Byron, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 18:37 (4221 days ago) @ cubrock

Crossfit is an fabulous workout program based on the concept of neuro-muscular confusion.


Every workout of the day (WOD) is different and one will never plateau which is common in a more standardized workout/training program. Crossfit is not a bodybuilding muscle building workout. It is about getting you cock strong, work strong and able to handle your bodyweight. Very popular with highspeed military and the gogetters.

After my last Marine Corps Marathon (marathoning and CrossFit are mutually exclusive) I tried to get back into Crossfit but found that I hurt myself on a regular basis. Gave it hell for 4 to 6 weeks and then spring something...heal up for a month and get after it only to hurt myself again. I just could not handle the heavy weights over my head and the heavy deadlifts.

Currently, I do a combination of "Insanity" which is intervals of plyometrics and a program put on by a local trainer called "Warhorse" that involves exercise in sand and on unstable footing to develop strength in the core and all the little support muscles that are neglected in standard workouts. I like it. Lighter weights but many many reps.

I can't remember how old you are. My advice is to go for it and realize that you will have to take CrossFit at a gradient. Go slow and be careful. One of the most important things to accept about CrossFit is that you can get hurt quick. It is important to have a good focused trainer that will watch you and keep you safe. If you are deadlifting twice your body weight and get tired and sloppy and don't use proper form you will get hurt.
That is where a focused coach makes all the difference. It is great to get into a group of real tough guys (and girls) for these workouts. These folks are a different breed of cat and will bring out the best in you. They are fun be around!

If you are in the 50ish range you should get onto a testosterone/HCG supplement program. Man to man, I'm telling you right now that if you get your testosterone level back to where it was when you were 17 it will change things.

I will be 60 tomorrow. To answer your question, I hurt myself with real deal CrossFit workouts. Here most of the CrossFit folks are 35 year old Majors and top Sergeants who have been in the gym an hour a day for the past 15 years and when I try to keep up with them I hurt myself. I just do not heal up like I did even 10 years ago.


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